
Up-to-date filebeat for 32bit Raspbian (armhf)

Fiddling around with ELK recently, I’ve been setting up a log server. Deploying filebeat to my Raspbian (RPi 2, 3, 4, nano) systems turned out somewhat challenging, mostly since elastic doesn’t provide official releases for 32bit ARM. There’s been an open ticket since 2018 asking for official ARM builds, and it seems that elastic is now at least providing .deb packages for 64bit ARM.

This got me thinking, what if I just compile a filebeat armhf binary and repackage the given arm64 .deb file? Turns out, it’s quite easy. Here’s my all-in-one script, tested on x64 Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20.10:


The interesting stuff happens in the four last functions. Here’s a rundown:

Result of this poor man’s CI (at the time of writing) is a new deb file, ready to be deployed on Raspbian: ~/Downloads/filebeat_armhf/filebeat-7.11.2-armhf.deb

I have some further automation in place, deploying the new deb to a publicly available web server. A small puppet module is taking it from there:

if $facts['os']['distro']['id'] == 'Raspbian' {

# 'archive' requires puppet-archive module
  archive { '/root/filebeat-7.11.2-armhf.deb':
    ensure => 'present',
    source => 'https://example.com/filebeat-7.11.2-armhf.deb';

  package { 'beat':
    provider => 'dpkg',
    ensure   => 'installed',
    source   => "/root/filebeat-7.11.2-armhf.deb",
    require  => Archive['/root/filebeat-7.11.2-armhf.deb'];

# filebeat config with pcfens-filebeat module here
 2022 Jan Schumacher   •  Theme  Moonwalk